"We're very proud to have been able to support this event and give something back to the community," said Mark Roberti, founder and editor of RFID Journal, which co-hosted the golf tournament with several friends of Mike Sullivan.
In 2005, Mike Sullivan suffered a sudden heart attack and passed away. Prior to his death, he had been working with the team at Gillette and was active in EPCglobal's standards work. Sullivan was a Canadian, raised in Montreal, who graduated from City and Gill College in Cork, Ireland, and spent the past 21 years of his life in Northborough, Mass. There, he enjoyed an illustrious technical career at Digital Semiconductor and Intel.
Last year, in memory of their friend, several executives at Gillette partnered with Boston Scholars to create the Mike Sullivan Memorial Scholarship Fund. Starting with the inaugural golf tournament in September 2005, they raised $20,000, which is being used to fund several Mike Sullivan Scholars through the Boston Scholars Program. The success of that initial event was largely due to the strong individual and corporate support of leaders in the RFID industry. Such support proves Mike's lasting personal and professional impact and influence.
By partnering with RFID Journal to open the RFID Journal LIVE! 2006 Conference & Exhibition with this year's golf tournament, Mike's friends have moved closer to their goal of creating an everlasting endowment in his honor. RFID Journal was a tournament sponsor, along with Sullivan's friend, Rob Short. The hole sponsors for the tournament included Alien Technology, " Avery Dennison, HK Systems, OAT Systems, Symbol Technologies,
ThingMagic, Tyco/ADT, VeriSign, Unisys, ODIN Technologies and Shipcom Wireless, and LXE and Sirit.
RFID Journal plans to host the next Mike Sullivan Memorial Golf Tournament in conjunction with RFID Journal LIVE! 2007, which will be held in Orlando, Fl., from April 30 to May 2, 2007. Companies interested in sponsoring the event should contact the Mike Sullivan Memorial Golf Tournament team at msmgt@bostonscholars.org or Frank Cruz at 617-226-4618.
About RFID Journal
RFID Journal LLC is the premier provider of in-depth, objective RFID information online, in print and at events. RFID Journal LLC publishes the leading RFID Web site (www.rfidjournal.com), the world's first magazine devoted solely to RFID and its many business applications (RFID Journal) and RFID Journal LIVE!, the largest and most prestigious conference and exhibition in the United States and Europe.